Ukrainian forces hit a Russian Su-57 fighter jet inside Russia, causing damage and sparking speculation
Ukrainian forces hit a Russian Su-57 fighter jet inside Russia, causing damage and sparking speculation

Stewie's Introduction to the Chaos

Oh dear mother it seems the Ukrainian forces have managed to hit a shiny new Russian Su 57 fighter jet right in the heart of Mother Russia. Quite the spectacle I must say.

Su 57 vs. Ukrainian Ingenuity

"The pictures show that on June 7 the Su 57 was standing intact and on June 8th there were craters from the explosion and characteristic spots of fire caused by fire damage near it," Well well it seems Ukraine is not playing around with their long range drones.

Fighterbomber's Stand

Ah Fighterbomber the not so friendly neighborhood Russian blogger confirms that the drone managed to hit the Su 57. Looks like the cat's out of the bag or should I say the plane's out of the hangar.

The Su 57 Saga Continues

Despite its delays and past crash the Su 57 still manages to make headlines. Let's hope they fix it soon; we can't have a fighter jet hiding in shame now can we?


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